Sunday, June 7, 2020

I lived in a bubble, 
Where darkness kissed me to sleep,
Where he wrapped me in his arms protecting me from trouble,
But it was too late because I was asleep,
And I realized the massive hand was choking me,

He said it is your fault,
O my little dear you woke up from your dream,
I knew this would be the result,
Because now you know the problems in this world are at extreme,
All you humans know is how to insult,
Black, white, women, child doesn’t matter,
You made divisions, who can’t stay and chatter,

You know it too, everyone does,
But no one is ever ready to fix the problem up,
It’s not one man’s duty; it’s everyone’s sum,
They blame a man for goodness sake, that’s the trap,
So the bubble your are trapped in gets darker,

Men are falling into a pit,
Into the darkest bubble, where a black hole exists,
But you know what to do, you can’t just play your bit, while the other just sit,
O my little dear you need to insist,
As your fellow beings bubbles get darker,
As your fellow beings are choked the way you are,
And life becomes harder,

When you all live in harmony,
Where you respect each other,
Where someone’s identity need not be questioned by testimony,
Trust is built within one another,
A place where you forgive and forget,
When compromise and commitment play a duet,
Where speaking the truth isn’t a sin,
And to when courts go back to justice that they’ve been,
You shouldn’t be feeling small in this world,
You shouldn’t be tucking your feet curled,

The darkness suffocates, but light exists,
Your dark bubble will fade away it’s color , I promise,
And when what I said happens darkness will clear it’s mist,
The oceans are crystal clear, the sky is clear blue,
Trees grows tall in a green color hue,
Animals coexist with nature,
Unity saves the day for all gods creatures,
If you all stand as one, the dark bubbles might as well not be here,
If the legend is true the white dove will land here,
Pop! A sound blasts near,
When unity speaks the doves will hear,
And rescue is on its way oh please don’t fear,
Because I am helpless and I can’t invade your space,
O don’t you worry little dear,
The little white dove is coming-they call her peace .

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